Project Overview

Pioneering a Cares experience, a digital platform designed to deeply resonate with the needs and values of both members/patients and healthcare providers. This visionary approach aims to drive behaviors that enhance engagement and adherence, ultimately leading to a reduction in hospital readmissions. Additionally, it establishes a foundation for comprehensive data collection and personalization, facilitating a deeper understanding of the correlation between discharge and re-hospitalization events.



Gaining a comprehensive understanding of the member/patient and provider cycle to enable proactive and preventive communication, coupled with improved utility, leading to decreased workload for care managers, heightened program engagement, and, ultimately, a reduction in hospital readmissions.


Overseeing a comprehensive spectrum of tasks, including workshops, user and persona research, ideation, as well as the management and production of deliverables. This collective effort culminates in the development of a comprehensive user experience vision strategy, ultimately defining the future state of the platform.


We implemented a multi-faceted approach focused on understanding and enhancing the member/patient and provider experience. We conducted in-depth user interviews, surveys, and observational studies to gather insights into their needs, behaviors, and pain points, leading to the development of detailed personas and journey maps. We developed solutions in learning and communication to decrease hospital readmissions and reduce member time. Utilizing machine learning, we gathered data on readmission symptoms and likelihood, driving continuous improvement of the platform's success rate for patients over time.