The nation's largest manager of non-emergency medical transportation, required a replatforming of their aging system. The platform supported logistics for non-emergency travel, from eligibility verification to claim submissions, through an integration hub that combined transportation management and communication functionalities.

Project Overview



The primary challenge was to modernize an outdated experience while addressing the unique needs of users, particularly those with disabilities and those facing technology frustrations. The existing system lacked adequate accessibility features and clear communication, making it difficult for older adults and individuals with disabilities to navigate their transportation options effectively.


I led the discovery phase, focusing on uncovering user pain points and ensuring that business requirements were met. I conducted extensive research to understand the specific challenges faced by users, particularly those with disabilities. Additionally, I spearheaded the creation of the design direction and managed the design process, ensuring that the new platform was user-friendly and accessible.


We developed a modern, intuitive platform designed to meet the needs of LogistiCare's diverse user base. The new system simplified the user experience, adhered to strict accessibility standards, and prioritized clear, consistent communication with users about their pending requests. This solution significantly improved user satisfaction and streamlined operations for LogistiCare, reinforcing their position as a leader in non-emergency medical transportation.