Project Overview

USTA aimed to streamline their HR inquiries to improve efficiency and reduce the workload on their HR department. The primary objective was to create a seamless, user-friendly system that could handle repetitive HR-related questions, providing employees with quick and accurate answers. This allowed the HR team to focus on more strategic initiatives, thereby increasing overall productivity. Another critical goal was to enhance the employee experience by reducing the time spent on resolving HR inquiries, ultimately improving employee satisfaction and engagement.



The high volume of repetitive inquiries overwhelmed the HR department at USTA and slowed down response times. Additionally, integrating AI into the existing employee experience without disrupting ongoing operations required careful planning and execution. Ensuring the AI system could accurately handle a wide range of inquiries was crucial to the project's success.


As an experience consultant, I led the discovery workshop to uncover all current and future needs, outlining the best path forward. This involved working closely with the HR team to understand their pain points and identifying opportunities where AI could make the most impact. My role was pivotal in ensuring that the AI solution was aligned with the organizational goals and employee expectations.


Leveraging the power of AI, USTA integrated an AI-driven solution into their current employee experience to handle common HR inquiries. The AI chatbot was developed with natural language processing (NLP) capabilities to accurately understand and respond to a wide array of HR-related questions. It was seamlessly integrated into the existing employee portal, ensuring minimal disruption and easy accessibility. The user-friendly interface was designed to be intuitive, providing clear prompts and guidance. Additionally, the chatbot was connected to USTA's HR knowledge base to ensure accurate and up-to-date information. Continuous learning mechanisms were implemented to allow the AI system to improve over time based on new inquiries and employee feedback, ensuring its relevance and effectiveness.