Jet Towel by Mitsubishi Electric aimed to increase revenue by reinventing their online presence targeting builder professionals. The goal was to transform the perception of their bulky, noisy machines, giving them a sleek, modern feel while effectively educating customers on the key benefits.



To change the perception of from being bulky and noisy to sleek and modern. This required a comprehensive redesign of the website to highlight the advanced technology and benefits of the machines. Additionally, the website needed to effectively communicate to a professional audience, educating builders and property owners about the advantages and unique features of Jet Towel products. Balancing aesthetic improvements with clear, informative content was crucial to achieving this transformation.


As Design Director I guided the team in uncovering the right direction and user experience. I led the team in creating high-quality designs that reflected the modern, sleek image we aimed to project. Additionally, I managed design operations to ensure a smooth and efficient workflow, coordinating between different departments and ensuring that all design elements were aligned with our strategic goals.


We approached the redesign with a focus on modern aesthetics and user-centric content. The website was revamped to showcase Jet Towel’s advanced technology and benefits through visually appealing designs and engaging content. High-quality graphics and a clean, intuitive layout were used to give the machines a sleek, modern feel. Educational content was strategically placed to inform professionals about the key features and benefits, helping them make informed decisions. This ensured that the new website effectively communicated the value of Jet Towel products to our target audience, leading to increased engagement and revenue.